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7 elements of criminal jurisdiction


Now I have lumped #s 5, 6. And 7 together as they are short.

#5. The accusation must be made under penalty of perjury, fraud, and contract. This includes the Attorney representative representing the Bank Corporation or corporate Government official. If perjury cannot reach the accuser or bank attorney representative, there is no accusation and no crime committed. Otherwise, anyone may accuse another falsely without risk.

#6. To comply with the five elements above, which is for the accusation to be valid and legal, the accused must be accorded due process. The accuser must have complied with the law, procedure, and form in bringing the charge. This includes court-determined probable cause, summons, and notice procedure. If lawful process may be abrogated in placing a citizen, person, man, or woman sovereign in jeopardy, then any means may be utilized to unlawfully deprive a man of his freedom, and all dissent may be stifled by utilization of defective process.

The essential elements of due process are notice and an opportunity to defend by physically cross-examining the Victim Accuser with your questions to disprove his testimony.” Simon v Craft, 182 US 427.

“One is not entitled to protection unless he has reasonable cause to apprehend danger from a direct answer. The mere assertion of a privilege does not immunize him; the court using material facts in the conclusion of law must determine whether his refusal is justified, and may require that he is mistaken in his refusal.” Hoffman v. the United States, 341 U.S. 479 (1951).

#7. The court must be one of competent jurisdiction that you grant it. The court lacks or wants subject matter jurisdiction and Territorial Federal Jurisdiction, because no court or STATE of has any “Enacting Clause” that turns a Color of Law Statute, Code, rule, regulation, policy, or even a court case of the Attorney Judge’s Presumption and opinion into an actual law as noted by the United States Supreme Court “Law of the Land” Rulings in many cases.

To have a valid process, the tribunal must be a creature of its constitution, in accord with the law of its creation, i.e., Article III judge, not an Article I, IV, or V maritime admiralty corporate business Attorney Judge in regular foreign and corporate B.A.R COURTS.

In every case, the court and accuser must have an “Enacting Clause” which no State has under any of the three 1777 first organic law Confederation “United States of America” Constitution, the 1787 rewritten second “United States of America” Constitution, or the 1871 rewritten third Corporate Territorial Federal “United States of America” Constitution.

No enacting clause, no law, no case, and no crime has been committed.
Think about it..

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