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PAY OFF Your MORTGAGE or any Bank Debt In 14 Days Using These Court-Ordered and Ruled Security Instruments!

"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, YOU are now SHACKLED with Bank Fraud DEBT."
PSALMS 23, The Lord Is My Shepard!

COURT Based Sovereign Citizen Movement Dispelled, Part 13

[Glass v. The Sloop Betsey, 3 Dall 6 (1794)]

[emphasis added]
The federal Constitution makes a careful distinction between natural republic state born  Nationalists that the Government Corporation now calls State Citizens or American Nationals, and CITIZEN PERSONS of the United States Corporation Municipality in Washington District of Columbia which is separate from the several Republic individual state Nations of the Union** (compare 2:1:5 with Section 1 of the so-called Congressional Ratified 14th Amendment making you all debt slaves to the BANKS and the GOVERNMENT as Statutory Public Policy CITIZEN PERSONS).. 
A natural republic state born  Nationalist is an unconditional Sovereign by republic state natural birth, who is endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights; the other PERSON CITIZEN has been granted the revocable privileges and benefits of U.S.** CITIZENSHIP, endowed by the Corporate Congress of the UNITED STATES Municipality Government**..  

A natural republic state born Nationalist is a republic state National hebetating or living in one of the republic several state nations of the Union as I am; the other, a U.S. CITIZEN PERSON is Residing or Renting in one of the STATES OF the UNITED STATES Corporation, and is a subject debt slaved U.S. PERSON CITIZEN as you are.. Yes, YOU!! You use their FRN Dollars, don’t you?? I rest my case.. 

Natural republic state born Nationalist is a republic state National Sovereign as I am, but not in any BANK or COURT MADE-UP Sovereign Citizen Movement, and you other, the U.S. CITIZEN, is a subordinate debt slave of the U.S. Democracy Corporation…  A natural republic state born  Nationalist is a National of our organic constitutional Republic as I am; you are a Statutory  PERSON CITIZEN of a Corporate Municipal Legislative Democracy (residing in one of the Corporate created twelve federal military zip code zones in the UNITED STATES CORPORATION)..  Notice the superior/subordinate relationship between these two statuses??  Please comment on this video to help others in America and humankind in general..
I am asking you to visit to utilize the legal LPN Security to pay off your Residential or Commercial Mortgage and other type debts in as little as 14 days and to go to and invest in your family’s future and capitalize on the Texas Republic Nation, TRNcoins, the CryptoCurrency of the future.. For those of you who want to buy a Home, Commercial property, or a Business with just the down payment, I strongly urge you to read AND Thanks for watching my videos..

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