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COURT Based Sovereign Citizen Movement Dispelled, Part 7

[Heath v. Alabama, 474 U.S. 82, 89-90 (1985)]

Now, if a State of the Union is sovereign, is it correct to say that the State exercises an authority to which there is absolutely no superior? No, this is not a correct statement. There is no other organized body which is superior to the organized body which retains sovereignty. The sovereignty of governments is an authority to which there is no organized superior, but there is absolutely a superior body, and that superior body is the People of the United States*** of America:

The words “people of the United States” and “citizens” are synonymous terms, and mean the same thing.  They both describe the political body who, according to our republican institutions, form the sovereignty, and who hold the power and conduct the government through their representatives.  They are what we familiarly call the “sovereign people,” and every citizen is one of these people and a constituent member of this sovereignty. You people are the sovereigns as state citizens and State Nationals.. Please comment on this video to help others in America and humankind in general..
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