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PAY OFF Your MORTGAGE or any Bank Debt In 14 Days Using These Court-Ordered and Ruled Security Instruments!

"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, YOU are now SHACKLED with Bank Fraud DEBT."
PSALMS 23, The Lord Is My Shepard!

COURT Based Sovereign Citizen Movement Dispelled, Part 15

[A Ticket to Liberty, November 1990 edition, page 146] [emphasis added]

In the constitutional Republic, however, the rights of individuals are supreme.  Individuals delegate their sovereignty to a written contract, called a constitution, which empowers the government to hire public servants to write laws primarily for the benefit of individuals.  The corporations occupy the lowest priority in this chain of command since their primary objectives are to maximize the enjoyment of individual rights and to facilitate the fulfillment of individual responsibilities.  

The enforcement of STATUTES, POLICY, and Laws within this scheme is the responsibility of sovereign individuals, who exercise their power in three arenas:  the corporate voting booth, the trial by jury which has almost been taken from you, and the BAR ATTORNEY controlled grand jury that will convict anyone of anything without proof based on the Prosecuting ATTORNEY’s word.  Without a jury verdict of “guilty”, for example, no law can be enforced and no penalty exacted.  

The BAR ATTORNEY JUDGE is still in charge with summary judgement. The behavior of public servants is tightly restrained by contractual terms, as found in the written U.S. Constitution, but you must enforce these contracts with the people.  Statutes and case law are created primarily to limit and define the scope and extent of public servant power. Please comment on this video to help others in America and humankind in general..

I am asking you to visit to utilize the legal LPN Security to pay off your Residential or Commercial Mortgage and other type debts in as little as 14 days and to go to and invest in your family’s future and capitalize on the , , the CryptoCurrency of the future.. For those of you who want to buy a Home, Commercial property, or a Business with just the down payment, I strongly urge you to read AND Thanks for watching my videos..

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