Cancel Your Mortgage With The New Credit Agreement Payoff Security NOTE Draft Bank Business Instruments NOW!

Cancel Your Mortgage With The New Credit Agreement Debt Payoff Security NOTE Draft Bank and the Bill of Exchange Securities Bank Business Instruments to pay off your debt NOW!

PAY OFF Your MORTGAGE or any Bank Debt In 14 Days Using These Court-Ordered and Ruled Security Instruments!

"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, YOU are now SHACKLED with Bank Fraud DEBT."
PSALMS 23, The Lord Is My Shepard!

Do you know that You Purchased your Home with Debt

Well, you did.. This is why you pay property taxes to the County and STATE of..

You using the FRN Debt Dollars is why the banks can foreclose.. Since there has been no lawful money since 1933 and only debt instruments in the form of Credit Agreements, Bank MORTGAGE NOTES, and FEDERAL RESERVE INTERNATIONAL PROMISSORY NOTE DOLLARS that are commercial Military paper script as the Bank Corporations’ perpetual debt money is why you used debt to buy, NOT own, your home..

The Private BANKS print their own money every time you sign a debt instrument in the form of a promissory note, credit agreement, automobile loan, credit card loan, student loan, or anything you sign under the UCC commercial code of contracts, you give the bank your CASH Value Consideration lawful Money by signing your signature as a representative of your STRAWMAN, all CAPITAL SYMBOL NAME ESTATE.. For without your signature, there is no presumed loan, debt, and no money.. Think about it..

Each Processed Credit Agreement Debt Payoff, CAP Security at is a Registered State Licensed, Legally Processed, Promissory Note, Credit Agreement Payoff Negotiable Security, just like the FRN Dollar, Mortgage Promissory NOTES, and Debt Lien Contract Securities recorded in your county recorder’s office according to the UCC CODES, RULES, and STATUTES, pursuant to SEC Security Rules the CAP Security is also used as money, but for debt payoff instead of bank-created presumed money, debt, and loans that banks have verified as securities and have been bank accepted to pay off mortgages and debts; have a maturity date of over 9 months which qualifies the CAP Security as a Bank Verified Security and money that have no interest payments; are NOT Capital Gains Taxable; are to be notarized for added protection to the alleged or presumed borrower; and are registered securities that are legally used as money, legal tender, and U.S. Currency pursuant to Banking, U.C.C., and United States Laws that pay off alleged bank claimed debt and meets all Negotiable Instruments laws.

I am NOT a Private Foreign BAR schooled Attorney and do NOT practice Law, but I have attended many court cases, conducted countless interviews with Banksters, Attorneys, Law, and COURT officials in my 17 years of research to find these secret facts on banking fraud, that are in my client instructions, to help you fight the bank fraud and win any COURT case..

Actions of winning your civil or criminal court case can be found in my written CAP Security client instructions that have been proven by me and others to win in any court hearing or Trial By Jury when you follow and present them properly.. This is why I offer a 90% Money Back Guarantee for processing.

I am asking you to visit and utilize the successful CAP Security to pay off your Mortgage(s) and all other type debts in as little as 14 days..

Want to buy a Home, Commercial property, or a Business with just the down payment at the closing table, read

If you want to avoid and never pay Property Taxes at the same time read and buy these two silver bullet pamphlets today..

Join us as a Free Texian National and a sovereign man or woman at There is NO such animal as a U.S. or STATE OF SOVEREIGN CITIZEN.. You are either a sovereign man or woman or an Unratified 14th Amendment CITIZEN PERSON..

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