Cancel Your Mortgage With The New Credit Agreement Payoff Security NOTE Draft Bank Business Instruments NOW!

Cancel Your Mortgage With The New Credit Agreement Debt Payoff Security NOTE Draft Bank and the Bill of Exchange Securities Bank Business Instruments to pay off your debt NOW!

PAY OFF Your MORTGAGE or any Bank Debt In 14 Days Using These Court-Ordered and Ruled Security Instruments!

"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, YOU are now SHACKLED with Bank Fraud DEBT."
PSALMS 23, The Lord Is My Shepard!

Every attorney and bank says you cannot

Every Attorney and Bank Says – You Cannot

Through their ignorance of the law. Any Judge will tell you that Ignorance of the Law is NO EXCUSE!!

Every Attorney and Bank Official will tell you cannot!

And have told me that I could not have the last name of God, Jesus, or Christ.
The Judge who verified and ordered my legal Name Change differed and disagreed with each and every Attorney and Bank.

Just like Every Attorney and Bank tells you cannot use the SEC, State Registered, Bank Medallion Stamp verified Bank accepted Security Transfer, State Licensed Day Global and DG Securities Processing Enterprise, New Credit Agreement Debt Lien Payoff contract as a Security and legal tender in payment!

By law, Yes, Every Attorney and Bank tells you cannot, BUT You and I can when the State Licensed New Credit Agreement Debt Lien Payoff Contract is converted into a Security or money upon registering it with the Secretary of State with a UCC1 with special wording of the Collateral under the Security Law of Federal United States Government Security Exchange Commission, SEC.

The State Registered New Credit Agreement Debt Lien Payoff Security is a legal equidistant to a Bank Mortgage Debt Lien Contract being converted into a Security when registered with the State County Recording Official Records office.

It is the same when the Federal Private Reserve Banks print and register their paper Fiat Dollars directly with the SEC!

A Security is a Security, Money, and U.S. Currency when registered or recorded directly with the SEC or registered with the State or County!

Remember this when you become our client to get your debts paid off or Discharged to a zero Balance with our help at

We help you along the way by answering your questions, but no one has asked a question that is not answered in our Client Instructions as we add the answer or solution into the Client instructions to help you.

We guarantee that you will win your case when and if you follow our written client instructions, even if you are in foreclosure at your hearing.

Take action NOW and order your CAP Security to pay off your bank debts and never believe when Every Attorney and Bank tells you cannot.
Think about it..

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3 thoughts on “Every Attorney and Bank Says – You Cannot”

  1. Miguel Credito

    do you have to do an administrative process when using the CAP security agreement? do you show us how to do that? if not how do you enforce the CAP agreement?

    1. Miguel Credito. There is no administrative procedure. WE PROCESS THE SECURITIES FOR YOU, AND NO WE DO NOT SHOW YOU HOW TO DO WHAT WE SPENT YEARS LEARNING HOw TO DO IT OURSELVES. We enforce the Cap Non-disclosure Contract Agreement in Florida Court..

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