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Government fraud as stated by federal world postal court judges

Government FRAUD as Stated by Federal World Postal Court Judges – Part 2

It is the job of the Military, the Navy especially, to protect your Public Trust.

Since all three, the forced first 1777 Confederation United States of America, the second 1787 Territorial Federal United States of America, and the third Act of 1871 Corporation District of Columbia, headquartered in the Deep State City Municipality United States of America or just UNITED STATES Corporation are all under Federal Territorial Military Marshall Law, the Regional Provost Marshall commanding General in your region of the USA Corporation is in charge, control, Commands the Navy to Protect you and to arrest Judges, Attorneys, police, sheriffs, or State Highway Police Patrol Law Enforcement Officers, and any Government Officials for crimes against you, the American people.

The word Navy comes from the word Navel that is attached to the mother’s watery womb at your birth and the Government Created Birth Certificate is the Bill of Lading cargo property that each Government Vessel, meaning “Ship” carries into this world seaport of the commercial; thus, making you and your children the Government’s PROPERTY. Do you know who your regional Commanding General is for your area of the USA?

Did you know your mother and all women are property and Vessels of the Federal Territorial and Corporate Governments from birth?
The Birth Certificate that is not yours proves this is true.
Think about it..

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