Cancel Your Mortgage With The New Credit Agreement Payoff Security NOTE Draft Bank Business Instruments NOW!

Cancel Your Mortgage With The New Credit Agreement Debt Payoff Security NOTE Draft Bank and the Bill of Exchange Securities Bank Business Instruments to pay off your debt NOW!

PAY OFF Your MORTGAGE or any Bank Debt In 14 Days Using These Court-Ordered and Ruled Security Instruments!

"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, YOU are now SHACKLED with Bank Fraud DEBT."
PSALMS 23, The Lord Is My Shepard!

NOTICE OF Promissory Note Authorities In Support Of LPN Securities As Money Part 12

The practical evidence and fact of the United States’ financial reorganization (bankruptcy) is still ongoing today, visible all around us to see and understand. When Treasury notes come due, they’re not paid. They are refinanced by new T-Bills and promissory notes to back the Federal Reserve’s corporation elastic fake monopoly currency and cover the debts. …something that cannot be done with debt ……unless,…… the debtor is protected from creditors in a bankruptcy reorganization that is regularly being restructured to keep it going as the United States Corporate Government is still in Bankruptcy. Bankruptcy was created to wipe away debts, so why is there Trillions of dollars in the National Debt of the U.S Government?????? Every time the Federal debt ceiling is raised by Congress they are restructuring the bankruptcy reorganization of the corporate government’s National debt so commerce can continue on and you can be used as human collateral debt slaves as your strawman all capital lettered mirror image of the flesh and blood, man or woman of the soil, the living soul that is you.

For obvious reasons the Corporate United States government does not like having to recognize all this. It is a very sensitive and delicate matter. And few can speak or will speak authoritatively about it, as the bank has found out thru their fear. Fear is very powerful and you fear the Federal Government and the Banks! The recovery remedy is maintained in law, because it has to be in order to satisfy equity to its prime creditors, the Central Federal Reserve Banks. At this late time, the United States is neither expecting nor intending this knowledge about our LPN Securities to be generally accessed by you, the public. Regarding such security instruments tendered to the Secretary, when public officials are put in a position to legally acknowledge or deny the authority or validity of these debt instruments, those corporations or Attorneys in responsibility will not deny or dishonor it, or a LPN Negotiable Security instrument of debt payoff or discharge when property submitted for that purpose.

This is why the banks will never send your LPN Negotiable Security back to you within the legal 3 days under the UCC Laws. This is a fact: Title 31 USC 3123 makes a statutory pledge of the United States government to payment of obligations and interest on the public National debt, your debt with our LPN Negotiable Security at Remember the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT’S NATIONAL DEBT is not your debt if you live in one of the 50 Republic states of the union and are not a paid government employee.

BUT the good news is that the Texas Republic Nation now has TRN cyber coins soon to be released to the world and backed by intrinsic valued precious metals, Gold, Silver, timber, precious minerals, and oil from the Texas Republic land area, consisting of nearly 1 million square miles reaching from what is now known as the STATE OF TEXAS all the way to the STATE OF CALIFORNIA’s Pacific Ocean shoreline to the west. You can also get out of your Corporate UNITED STATES debt slavery prison now by going to and read about our preprocessed LPN Negotiable Security that legally, by UCC Law, can be used as money and pay off your debts and save you Thousands of Dollars. It is not the cost of processing, but the THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS YOU CAN SAVE by using our bank proven LPN Security process. Just order the $19.95 LPN E-booklet for information and education and decide for yourself.

Remember this LPN Security process is not a DO IT YOURSELF Process as I am the only Licensed LPN and IPN Security processor in the United States, USA.

This is the Texas Republic Chief Justice Judge for Travis County, in Austin, David Allen Young, bidding you a great life with freedom, justice, and restored GOD Given rights as a Texian.
When you decide to join us in the Texas Republic Nation just contact me or any other Texas Republic Judge for the county you live in and I or they will swear you in as a Texian after only 6 months of living in the Texas Republic consisting of The States OF Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, and Oklahoma. The Texas Republic is a Sovereign Nation bordering the countries of the United States and Mexico.

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