Federal Reserve Promissory Notes, although made Dollars, legal tender and U.S. currency for all debts public and private in the Bankruptcy reorganization, can only discharge a debt because they are not lawful coin money. Therefore, there is no actual loan given. By Black’s law Dictionary, a loan is money lent and since there is no lawful intrinsic money of value, there is no loan, just a hoax perpetrated on the American people and the world. Debt must be “payed” with value or substance (i.e. gold, silver, barter, labor, or a commodity such as oil, minerals, or timber). For this reason HJR-192 (1933), and Public Law and Policy 73-10, which established the “public policy” of your Democratic Corporate government’s current monetary system, repeatedly uses the technical term of “discharge” in conjunction with “payment” in laying out public policy for the new debt system. A debt currency system that we have today cannot pay debt and since there is no debt incurred by you there is no loan from the banks! So why do you owe any money???
So, from that time in 1933 to the present, commerce in the corporate UNITED STATES and among sub-corporate subject entities, such as cities, counties, and STATES OF has only debt promissory note instruments by which debt can be discharged, assigned, sold, and transferred in different forms. The unpaid debt, created and/or expanded by the plan now carries a public liability for collection in that when debt is discharged with debt instruments (i.e. Federal Reserve Promissory Note Dollars included). By the corporate government’s commerce, debt is inadvertently being expanded instead of being cancelled, thus increasing the Corporate public National debt that the United States Government tells you that you owe; therefore, you think you owe their National Debt also even though most of you are not Government employees! This is a situation potentially fatal to any economy.
The Attorney Congress and government officials who orchestrated these public color of laws, codes, rules, and regulations that made the financial reorganization Bankruptcy anticipated the long term effect of a debt based financial system which many in government feared, and which we face today in servicing the interest on trillions upon trillions of dollars in District of Columbia UNITED STATES Corporate public debt that they claim is yours and in this same act made provision not only for the recovery remedy to satisfy equity to its Sureties that is you, but to simultaneously resolve this problem, as well. This problem still exists, because you cannot pay off your debts without lawful coin money.
Since it is, in fact, your real property, wealth and assets of that class of persons that is the substance backing all their other fraudulent obligations, fake fiet currency, and credit of THE DEMOCRATIC CORPORATE UNITED STATES and such currencies cannot be used to reduce the Government’s obligations for equity interest recovery to its Principals and Sureties that, once again, is you.
HJR-192 and Public Policy 73-10 further made the “the notes of national banks” and “national banking associations” of which you are as a private flesh and blood Jus soli man or woman, if you have a lifetime membership with www.PBNBA.com as a Private Banker on a par with the UNITED STATES Government’s other currency and legal tender obligations:
BUT the good news is that the now has TRN cyber coins soon to be released to the world and backed by intrinsic valued precious metals, Gold, Silver, timber, and oil from the Texas Republic land area, nearly 1 million square miles reaching from what is now known as the STATE OF TEXAS all the way to the STATE OF CALIFORNIA’s Pacific Ocean shoreline to the west and you can also get out of your Corporate UNITED STATES debt slavery prison now by going through this website and read about our preprocessed LPN Negotiable Security that legally can be used as money and pay off your debts and save you Thousands of Dollars. It is not the cost of processing, but the THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS YOU SAVE by using our bank proven process. Just order the $19.95 LPN E-booklet for information and education and decide for yourself. Remember this process is not a DO IT YOURSELF Process as I am the only Licensed LPN Security processor in the United States or USA.
This is the Texas Republic Chief Justice Judge for Travis County, David Allen Young, bidding you a great life with freedom, justice, and restored rights as a Texian. When you decide to join us in the just contact me or any Texas Republic Judge for the county you live in and I or they will swear you in as a Texian after only 6 months of living in the Texas Republic consisting of The States OF Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, and Oklahoma. The Texas Republic is a Sovereign Nation bordering the countries of the United States and Mexico.
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