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Property rights

Property Rights – Putting Everything Together

Now the quasi-owner (user) of the property (thing), after learning the law and discovering who you are in relation to the United States Corporation, can file a UCC Financing Statement based upon a Security Agreement, registering your security interest in the artificial entity PERSON, being the ENS LEGIS which the United States created by your, baby boy or girl, lost at sea as an ALL CAPS Strawmen birth certificate and social security number after your Mom signed the ‘Root of Title/Newborn Identification’ and then was compelled to apply for a government birth certificate Property.

Your MOTHER at this time gave you to the United States GOVERNMENT as a BASTARD Child lost at sea that created the TWIN that you never knew existed. And even today, you do not realize this fact.

That was the act of registering her biological property, her baby (substance as PROPERTY), with one of the State Of sub-corporation franchises of the UNITED STATES Corporation in the District of Columbia. The United States holds the paper title (form), not the substance (baby).

Until your Financing Statement and other documents are filed, the United States is the holder of the title to the artificial entity. Its name is spelled in all capital letters – JOHN HENRY DOE.

When John Henry Doe files the Financing Statement supported by a Security Agreement signed by the artificial entity (JOHN) and the owner (John), you become the holder in due course of the title to JOHN HENRY DOE all CAPS NAME/CITIZEN/PERSON/LEGAL FICTION, and Registered Corporation.
Think about it..

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