THE FIFTH U.S. CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS has issued a stunning ruling admitting that the United States and the federal courts have been systematically misapplying the income tax as a non-apportioned direct tax for decades. The clear implication is that literally trillions of dollars have been improperly taken from their rightful owners, you, the people.
The further implication is that hundreds of men and women– perhaps even thousands– have been victims of legal harassment and intimidation, property seizures, character assassination and even imprisonment, all based on a UNITED STATES corporate fraud. At the same time, it is clear that the explosive (and, some would say, republic-eroding) growth of the federal government over the same period has been financed by this same income tax gathering scheme of fraud in its highest Federal Government Corporation realm.
THE PARADIGM-SHATTERING ADMISSION by the panel of the circuit court (which has since been replicated in other circuits, as well) came in a ruling reported as Parker v. Comm’r, 724 F.2d 469. Alton Parker, an otherwise unremarkable “Fifth Amendment” tax protestor, had appealed a Tax Court decision finding him liable for taxes on conceded taxable activity.
In the appellate court, Parker raised an additional argument beyond the confused notion that completing a tax form amounted to “self-incrimination”. Parker also squarely challenged the appellate court with the assertion that, as put by the panel, “the IRS and the government in general, including the judiciary, mistakenly interpret the sixteenth amendment as allowing a direct tax on property (wages, salaries, commissions, etc.) without apportionment.”
The circuit court panel found itself unable to dispute Parker’s allegation, and ultimately admitted its accuracy.
THE ADMISSION BY THE COURT IS (perhaps unsurprisingly) circumspectly and even deceptively made. It takes the form of a complete misrepresentation of an old (but still standing and widely-cited) ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court, declaring the high court to have said exactly the opposite of what it actually says.
Despite the awkwardness of this approach, however, the circuit court’s evasion of Parker’s allegation constitutes a definitive admission of its accuracy under routine principles of law. As the Supreme Court puts it,
“Indeed, as Mr. Justice Brandeis declared, speaking for a unanimous court in the Tod case, supra, which involved a deportation: “Silence is often evidence of the most persuasive character.” 263 U.S. at 263 U. S. 153-154, meaning that the silent entity agreed to your terms and conditions. And just last Term, in Hale, supra, the Court recognized that “[f]ailure to contest an assertion . . . is considered evidence of acquiescence . . . if it would have been natural under the circumstances to object to the assertion in question.” at 422 U. S. 176. Baxter v. Palmigiano, 425 U.S. 308, 318 (1976) Plainly, an outright falsehood in response to an assertion is the equivalent of silence as meant in these statements of the law by the high court. In fact, falsehood such as that resorted-to by the Fifth Circuit panel simply makes clear that the circuit court recognized its duty to have validly objected to the assertion presented had it been able to do so, thus making its failure to do so that much more plainly an admission of the assertion’s accuracy. The IRS Income tax fraud moves forward, because you people do not read the law, much less take action against the IRS and UNITED STATES Corporation’s out-right fraud.
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I am, David Allen Young, the Sovereign Chief Justice Judge for Travis County, in Austin, bidding you a great life with freedom, justice, and restored GOD given rights as a Texian. A true lawyer, one who is learned in the law, as stated in the UNITED STATES ATTORNEY General’s Handbook. Do not confuse me with a Private Foreign BAR schooled Attorney that only knows the BAR business courtroom procedures that you U.S. 14th Amendment Citizens are under. AND I do not practice BAR or UNITED STATES Corporation law, BUT as an impartial and Justice based Common Law Judge that is NOT under the Color of Law of the Foreign UNITED STATES CORPORATION.
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