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"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, YOU are now SHACKLED with Bank Fraud DEBT."
PSALMS 23, The Lord Is My Shepard!

The 1836 Texas Republic Constitution Maintains

The 1836 Texas Republic Constitution Maintains… Freedom, Justice, Rights, Liberty, and domestic tranquility.

“To insure domestic tranquility, provide for general welfare, and to secure its blessings of liberty…”; for example, in the 1836 Constitution the inherent right is for all Texian people to exploit whatever opportunities come their way and that right must not be denied or tampered with and legislation must never encroach upon WE THE TEXIAN PEOPLE’s Freedom, justice, and God given rights, and must be designed to protect the Life, liberty, justice, Freedom, Privacy, and Property of all of its law-abiding Texians.

Our perfected and lawfully January, 2017, Rewritten Independent Constitution does just that… Protect the Texian People. Since everyone has the right to pursue a course of action within the confines of law – government must assure Freedom, Justice, and Privacy to its entire constituency. This is what you will get as an American Texian National of the Independent and Sovereign World Country of the .

The good news is that the Sovereign now has , TRN, cyber coins soon to be released to the world and backed by our intrinsic valued precious metals, Gold, Silver, timber, precious minerals, and oil from the Sovereign land area, consisting of nearly 1 million square miles reaching from what you now know as the STATE OF TEXAS all the way to the STATE OF CALIFORNIA’s Pacific Ocean shoreline to the west as in the Treaty of 1812. You can also get out of your Corporate UNITED STATES debt slavery prison now by going to and read about our bank approved and verified Licensed preprocessed LPN Negotiable Security that legally, by UCC Law, Federal Law, UNITED STATES Law, American Common Law, and International Common Law is money and can be used as legal money to pay off your debts under 31 USC and save you Tens and Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars depending on the amount your bank says you owe. It is not the very small cost of our Licensed processing you should be concerned about, but the THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS YOU CAN SAVE by using our bank proven and verified LPN Security to pay off your debt. Just order the $19.95 LPN E-booklet for informational and educational purposes and decide for yourself if you want to use our LPN Processing service to pay off your debt. Remember this LPN Security process is not a DO IT YOURSELF Process and will not be taught in the e-booklet as I am the only Licensed LPN and CAP Security processor in the United States, the USA, and the .

This is the Sovereign Chief Justice Judge for Travis County, in Austin, David Allen Young, bidding you a great life with freedom, justice, and restored GOD Given rights as a Texian.

When you decide to join us in the just contact me and I will be glad to swear you in as a Texian after only 6 months of living in the , consisting of what you know as The States OF Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, and Oklahoma. There are no judges in most counties of our young world nation as of yet, so, if you are interested in this Sovereign County Judge position, you must be a Texian.
The Young restored Sovereign is an Independent World Sovereign Texas Country bordering the Countries of the United States and Mexico.

Remember, To get out of your debt slavery, please go now to and read about our preprocessed Bank Accepted and Verified LPN Negotiable Security that can pay off your debts and save you Tens and Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars!

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