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Cancel Your Mortgage With The New Credit Agreement Debt Payoff Security NOTE Draft Bank and the Bill of Exchange Securities Bank Business Instruments to pay off your debt NOW!

PAY OFF Your MORTGAGE or any Bank Debt In 14 Days Using These Court-Ordered and Ruled Security Instruments!

"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, YOU are now SHACKLED with Bank Fraud DEBT."
PSALMS 23, The Lord Is My Shepard!

The Legal Fiction STATE OF __ is a Fictitious Entity

The Legal Fiction STATE OF __ is a fictitious entity, made up by the government, and a franchise ( like McDonald’s or Burger King ) of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , INC.. The governmental service corporation most everyone has confused with the actual organic “government of the people”, Republic Union which has not been populated by “we the people” since 1861 when the American Civil War started.

The US CONGRESS and Senate were unlawfully adjourned without 51% of the members being present and again unlawfully reconvened without 51% of the delegates being present for a lawful republic constitutional Union quorum. WE THE PEOPLE have been under Military rule in admiralty ever since. AND YOU people are too stupid and dummied down by the government corporation education propaganda to even care!

ONLY the FIRST State Constitution created a state of the Union and guarantees the original REPUBLICAN style of government, where the state is REQUIRED to use ONLY silver and gold coins in payment of debts. The Recorded SECOND STATE OF constitution in 1871, created a STATE of the District of Columbia, doing business as the UNITED STATES CORPORATION, which is a franchise of the federal government Corporation.

And the FACT that your STATE OF XYZ doesn’t use gold and silver, is a PROOF that YOUR STATE is NOT a state of the Union, but a PRIVATE, CORPORATE substitute, who’s only authority is BY CONTRACT, such as your Birth Certificate.

The United States Constitution declares, in Article I, Section 10, “No State shall… make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts”. This means that no state (of the Union) can make something besides gold or silver a “tender in payment” (which means they cannot “make something else an offer as payment”) for any debts, which would include debts owed by and to the State.

However, EVERY STATE OF Sub-Corporation in the United States of America HAS made some other “Thing” as an offer, a promissory note dollar debt instrument, and commercial paper as payment that is just a discharge, not payment – they have by color of law declared that they will accept, and pay out, Federal Reserve International Promissory Note Dollars or worthless commercial paper Notes for any debts owed by or to the STATE OF. Therefore, every state WOULD BE in violation of Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution, if it were a republic state of the Union.

And all this applies only to commerce and persons/individuals/corporations, who are defined in the IRS Code as US CITIZENS and PERMANENT RESIDENTS. You can see it in the 1933 executive order and federal registration, which also applied only to PERSONS/ INDIVIDUALS/ CORPORATIONS. i.e., back then if you weren’t a US federal citizen or resident, the order to turn in your gold DID NOT APPLY to you, and neither did the fines.

From this you can see that FEDERAL and STATE OF STATUTES, rules, regulations, and CODES under color of law DO NOT apply to you, unless you operate in commerce with Federal Reserve International Promissory Note Dollar debt instruments and commercial paper, or are a US citizen or permanent resident, as only those are eligible for government benefits, so only those are LIABLE to obey the BAR Attorney legalese statutes, rules, regulations, and codes of the current corporate Democracy known by the world as the UNITED STATES CORPORATION. Or if it was enacted as a POSITIVE law under common law prior to 1933.

The good news is that the Sovereign Texas Republic Nation now has Texas Republic Nation, TRN, cryptocoins (Cyborcunency) soon to be released to the world that are similar to Bitcoins, BUT are the only cryptocoins that are actually backed by our intrinsic valued precious metals, like Gold, Copper, and Silver, along with timber, Precious Minerals, and oil from the Sovereign Texas Republic Nation land area, consisting of nearly 1 million square miles reaching from what you now known as the STATE OF TEXAS all the way to the STATE OF CALIFORNIA’s Pacific Ocean shoreline to the west.

You can also get out of your Corporate UNITED STATES debt slavery prison now by reading about our bank verified & bank approved preprocessed LPN Negotiable Security that legally, by UCC Law, Federal Law, UNITED STATES Law, American Common Law, and International Common Law is money, legal tender, and U.S. Currency and can be used as such to pay off your debts and save you Thousands of Dollars.

It should not be the initial investment of our Licensed processing fee that you should be concerned with, but the THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS YOU may SAVE by using our bank accepted LPN Security to pay off your debt.
Just order the $19.95 LPN E-booklet for information and educational purposes only and decide for yourself.

Remember this LPN Security process is not a DO IT YOURSELF Process and our LPN Security e-booklet does not give you step by step instructions, although I do email you complete instructions after you become our client by ordering our processing to pay off your debt.

YES! I am the only Licensed LPN Security processor in the United States, the USA, and the Texas Republic Nation and the World for all I know.

I am, David Allen Young, the Sovereign Texas Republic Nation Chief Justice Judge for Travis County, in Austin, bidding you a great life with freedom, justice, and restored GOD given rights as a Texian.

When you decide to join us as a Texian in the Texas Republic Nation, just contact me and I will be glad to get you sworn in as a Texian after only 6 months of your living in the Texas Republic Nation.

Since there are no judges in most of our young, reborn Texas Republic Nation that has been perfected, vested, salvaged, and revitalized out of dormancy as a Sovereign Stand Alone World Nation if you are interested in this County Judge position, or any Texas Republic Nation government position in the Texas Republic Nation county you live in, you must be a Texian and be law abiding and causing no harm or injury to your fellow Texians.

We are also looking for peace officers, military to staff our Army and Texian Nationals to make a difference in our common law courts as Jurists and all of you of like mind are welcome to become a Texian no matter which STATE OF or Country you now reside in.

Our Young restored Sovereign Texas Republic Nation is an Independent Sovereign World Country bordering the Countries of the United States Corporation and Mexico.

Remember, To get out of your debt slavery and discharge your debts, one debt at a time, please read about our preprocessed Bank Accepted and Bank Verified LPN Negotiable Security that may pay off your debt and save you Thousands of Dollars.

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