Cancel Your Mortgage With The New Credit Agreement Payoff Security NOTE Draft Bank Business Instruments NOW!

Cancel Your Mortgage With The New Credit Agreement Debt Payoff Security NOTE Draft Bank and the Bill of Exchange Securities Bank Business Instruments to pay off your debt NOW!

PAY OFF Your MORTGAGE or any Bank Debt In 14 Days Using These Court-Ordered and Ruled Security Instruments!

"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, YOU are now SHACKLED with Bank Fraud DEBT."
PSALMS 23, The Lord Is My Shepard!

TRADE Or COMMERCE Which One Are You Doing?

“Exchange of products…. with intent to realize a profit” means buying stuff FOR RESALE. Mostly it applies to COMMODITIES, such as sugar, oranges, steel, iron, grains, etc. Gov’t HAS TO regulate commodities, because if it didn’t, some rich guy could buy out all the grain, milk or oranges, and then sell them to people at 10 times the price just like the Federal Reserve Banking System does today with their Promissory Note Dollars, an illegal and unlawful Monopoly, if you will.

So dealing in commodities is one part of COMMERCE. Of course when you ADD VALUE, then it’s no longer commerce, but trade, just like you are doing with our LPN Securities on this website . Example: you buy grains/flour and make bread which you then sell. That’s TRADE, not commerce.

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The good news is that the Sovereign now has , TRN, cryptocoins soon to be released to the world that are similar to Bitcoins BUT are backed by our intrinsic valued precious metals, like Gold, and Silver, timber, and oil from the Sovereign Texas Republic land area, consisting of nearly 1 million square miles reaching from what you now known as the STATE OF TEXAS all the way to the STATE OF CALIFORNIA’s Pacific Ocean shoreline to the west. You can also get out of your Corporate UNITED STATES debt slavery prison now by going through this website and read about our bank verified & approved preprocessed LPN Negotiable Security that legally, by UCC Law, Federal Law, UNITED STATES Law, American Common Law, and International Common Law is money and can be used as legal money to pay off your debts and save you Thousands of Dollars. It should not be the initial investment of our Licensed processing that you should be concerned with, but the THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS YOU may SAVE by using our bank accepted LPN Security to pay off your debt. Just order the $19.95 LPN E-booklet for information and educational purposes and decide for yourself.

Remember this LPN Security process is not a DO IT YOURSELF Process and the e-booklet does not give you step by step instructions although I do mail you complete instructions after you order our processing to pay off your debt. I am the only Licensed LPN Security processor in the United States, the USA, and the .

I am the Sovereign Chief Justice Judge for Travis County, in Austin, David Allen Young, bidding you a great life with freedom, justice, and restored GOD Given rights as a Texian.

When you decide to join us in the just contact me and I will glad to get you sworn in as a Texian after only 6 months of your living in the Texas Republic consisting of The States OF Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, and Oklahoma. There are no judges in most of our young perfected, vested, and revitalized as a Sovereign Nation. If you are interested in this County Judge position, or any government position, you must be a Texian and be lawful.
The Young restored Sovereign is an Independent Sovereign Texas Nation bordering the Countries of the United States and Mexico.

Remember, To get out of your debt slavery, please go through this website and read about the preprocessed Bank Accepted and Verified LPN Negotiable Security that may pay off your debts and save you Thousands of Dollars.

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