Cancel Your Mortgage With The New Credit Agreement Payoff Security NOTE Draft Bank Business Instruments NOW!

Cancel Your Mortgage With The New Credit Agreement Debt Payoff Security NOTE Draft Bank and the Bill of Exchange Securities Bank Business Instruments to pay off your debt NOW!

PAY OFF Your MORTGAGE or any Bank Debt In 14 Days Using These Court-Ordered and Ruled Security Instruments!

"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, YOU are now SHACKLED with Bank Fraud DEBT."
PSALMS 23, The Lord Is My Shepard!

Who Gives The Actual Funding For A Bank Loan

You, the Borrower, create and borrow money into existence by signing your consideration signature on their contracts or credit agreement applications..

You actually fund your own loan and get into debt because you are dumb, stupid, and do not do your due diligence in learning the laws thru your own research.. So, folks, you have no one to blame for getting you into debt but yourselves!! You can remedy this situation at Think about it..

I am NOT a Private Foreign BAR schooled Attorney, but I have attended many court cases, conducted countless interviews in my research of over 17 years to find these facts on banking fraud to help you fight the bank and win any COURT case..

Actions of winning your civil or criminal court case is in my written client instructions that have been proven by me and others to win in any court hearing or Trial By Jury when you follow and present them properly.. Please, comment on this video and let us know what you think, Okay??

I am asking you to visit and utilize the successful CAP Security to pay off your Residential Mortgages, Commercial/Business Mortgages, and other type debts in as little as 14 days..

For those of you who want to buy a Home, Commercial property, or a Business with just the down payment at the closing table, I strongly urge you to read AND Thanks for watching my videos..

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