Cancel Your Mortgage With The New Credit Agreement Payoff Security NOTE Draft Bank Business Instruments NOW!

Cancel Your Mortgage With The New Credit Agreement Debt Payoff Security NOTE Draft Bank and the Bill of Exchange Securities Bank Business Instruments to pay off your debt NOW!

PAY OFF Your MORTGAGE or any Bank Debt In 14 Days Using These Court-Ordered and Ruled Security Instruments!

"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, YOU are now SHACKLED with Bank Fraud DEBT."
PSALMS 23, The Lord Is My Shepard!

All banks across the planet in every country are all bound to the united kingdom

The District Of Columbia Act Of 1871 Rewritten Second Constitution Represents… Part 6

Bypassing the fraudulent unlawful rewritten Corporate Act of 1871, the 2nd Constitution, is where all men and women in Congress committed TREASON against “We the People, who were Sovereign under the grants and decrees of the Magna Carter, Declaration of Independence, Northwest Ordinance, the Articles of Confederation, and the organic 1789 Constitution.”

Lisa goes on to tell us that, In preparation for stealing America, the puppets of Britain’s banking cabal had already created a second government, a Shadow Government designed to manage what the common people chattel herd believed was a democracy, but what really was an incorporated UNITED STATES MUNICIPALITY DEEP STATE (ALL CAPS).

Together with this chimera, this two-headed monster, disallowed the common herd all rights of sui juris [sovereignty]. Congress, with no authority to do so, in 1861 created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia only, a ten-mile square parcel of land with the ACT of 1871 rewritten Constitution that fooled all the people…the Civil War was, in fact, little more than a calculated front with fancy footwork by backroom players to gain the wealth and property of the American People.

It was also a strategic maneuver by British and European interests (international bankers) intent on gaining a stranglehold on the coffers of America.

And, because the unlawful Congress knew our country was in dire financial straits, certain members of Congress cut a deal with the international bankers in the wee hours of the night in a special meeting (in those days, the Rothschild’s of London were dipping their fingers into everyone’s pie)… Think about it..

This is David Young of the family God at wishing you all the best and a great debt-free life by utilizing the Negotiable Security Instrument, CAP that is processed by the ONLY Legally Licensed Financial Documents CAP, LPN, CAP, and NSI securities in the USA. We also show you how to register Your Legally processed Security under the SEC laws to make it legal tender, U.S. currency, and bank money.

Each Processed Credit Agreement Debt Payoff, Security at Pay Off Any Debt Or Loan and Payoff Your Mortgage in 14 Days are Registered State Licensed Processed Credit Agreement Payoff Negotiable Security Instruments, similar to FRN Dollars; Mortgage Promissory NOTES; and Mortgage Debt Lien Securities.. CAP Security Instruments are also used as money for debt payoff similar to bank-created money, debt, and loans..

Banks verify and accept the CAP Security to pay off mortgages and debts; the maturity date is over 9 months which qualifies the CAP Security as Bank Verified money with no interest; NOT Capital Gains Taxable; are notarized; are registered securities pursuant to Law; pays bank claimed debt and meets all Negotiable Instrument laws.

I am NOT an Attorney and do NOT practice Law.. I have attended many court cases, conducted countless interviews with Banksters, Attorneys, Law, and COURT officials in my 27 years of research to uncover banking fraud facts, that are in my client instructions..

We help you fight bank and foreclosure fraud and win any COURT case.. Details are in the CAP Security client instructions that have been proven to win any court case hearing or Trial By Jury.. This is why we offer a 90% Money Back Guarantee for our processing if you don’t win.

Visit HOW TO BUY A HOME WITH ONLY A DOWN PAYMENT to learn how to change a few words on your Mortgage at the Notary Closing Table to own your home or commercial property with just the down payment..

Avoid and never pay Property Taxes at the same time with a BILL OF SALE and a DEED OF OWNERSHIP when closing at Buy Homes Or Property In Any STATE With NO Property Taxes and buy these two silver bullet pamphlets today to own a home of your own without property taxes..

Please, subscribe to my video channel and comment on all my videos if you have questions.. Let us know what you think so you may be able to help other people, Okay?? Have a great life debt-free and may God Bless..

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