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Promissory Note Banking

Title 62, 7th was and is the Negotiable Promissory Note Banking Law before the Powers That Be, 72 Bank Controlled Judges, unlawfully altered this Congressional Law and wrote the Promissory Note Banking laws as U.C.C. Title 12 USC §24, SEVENTH: Banks Negotiating Promissory Notes in the normal course of business..

Promissory Note Banking laws are also in the Federal Reserve Act and the Promissory Note Secretary’s Act, a Congressional Act, and several Treaties, including the UNITED NATIONS TREATY, which makes the LPN Promissory Note Banking Security a legal tender, U.S. Currency, money, tendered payment of debts, and a Legal form of Bank Money and NOT fraudulent as most banks may falsely claim in all foreclosure cases, because of their ignorance of the law..

LPN Promissory Note Banking Securities are the equivalent of money as per 12 U.S.C. §1813L and states this particularly in the law that Promissory Notes LPN Securities located at where the only Legally Licensed Promissory Note Banking Process is completed and these LPN Securities under United States laws are the equivalent to money..
Equivalent to money means THE SAME AS MONEY, Legal Tender, and U.S. Currency..

According to Chapter 1 of the U.C.C., everything you sign is a Promissory Note because your consented signature can be monetized and changed or converted into Bank FRN presumed money..

Title 31 U.S.C. §5103 states our Legally processed Credit Payoff Agreement Promissory Note Securities, Banking Securities, are a National Bank Currency Of the United States Code pursuant to all FEDERAL and STATE Banking Laws.. In accordance with 31 U.S.C. §5103 – “United States coins and currency (including Federal reserve notes and circulating notes of Federal reserve banks and national banks) are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes, and dues”; and 18 U.S.C. §8, “…certificates of indebtedness, national bank currency…” provide such Private Banker Credit Payoff Agreement Promissory Note Securities are both Certificates of Indebtedness and National Bank Currency pursuant to these banking laws and can be found at

And thereby coin or currency of the United States by statutory definition and can be made by signing and issued by private citizens who are Private Bankers with authorization and registered Certificate at The Processing for both the Credit Payoff Agreement and the Private Banker Registered Certificate are included in one payment..’s legally STATES license processed Credit Payoff Agreement Promissory Note Securities, formally the LPN Promissory Note Banking Securities are the equivalent of money as per 12 U.S.C. §1813L and must be accepted by all banks and financial institutions as Discharge and Set Off with full settlement of all claimed debts under United States law.

I.R.S. Code section §1.1001-14653CCH states that Federal Reserve Note Dollar Commercial Papers are valueless and worthless, but you, the people, believe the lies that the FEDERAL and STATE Government Corporations tell you.. DON’T YOU??

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4 thoughts on “Promissory Note Banking”

  1. I believe you have a typo where you reference “16 USC Section 5103.” I believe you meant Title 31, not Title 16. If I am correct you may delete this comment after making the correction.

  2. Millie Qualls

    Just wanted to drop you a note. The CAP worked.. Saved my business here in Huston TX. Thanks again David for helping me. God bless you. Millie Qualls

  3. Merrill Hirth

    So glad that I decided to use your services to pay off my home. The deed for my house arrived just yesterday. Paid free and clear. Your amazing David.. Thanks for your services. I will be also telling everyone I know about this Cap Security.
    Merrill Hirth

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